Drinking and Speaking in Public.
Last night at a networking dinner, I was gratified to see that the keynote speaker made a point of waiting until after her speech to have a glass of wine, even as the rest of the room was cheerfully imbibing. As a physician, she clearly knew how alcohol affects motor control, and wisely opted to wait.
Still, I get asked the question fairly often- “Is it OK if I have a drink (or tranquilizer) to help me with stage fright?” My answer is two-fold:
- There are better, more effective ways of managing your anxiety. The first is to prepare thoroughly, including rehearsing and timing yourself. That alone will give you a sense of accomplishment and ownership.
- Herbal teas, Valerian root, Bach Rescue Remedies…I’ve tried them and found them to have a nice soothing quality (yes, I get stage nerves too.)
- But sometimes, some backup is useful. One client had an r/x for a beta-blocker, which is a drug that works to keep the heart rate steady. He asked if he could take it, and I told him that I’d rather him have it on him, and not need it, than to not have it at all. He ended up taking it one time, and then never needed it again.

Drinking is just not a good way to prepare for speaking in public. Your speech, your reflexes and your mental acuity all get involved. Is this how you want your audience to see you?
Let them see you shining your light, in all its undiminished strength and glory…then you can have a victory glass of wine!