Clutter In The Office = Fuzzy In The Head
e all know that we’re supposed to have a zen garden for an office, and it’s a worthy goal. I’m not there yet, but…I have made huge strides in managing the energy in my office, so it doesn’t manage me! And after a lot of study and experimentation, I can tell you that the single best thing you can do to have a comfortable, supportive work space is to get rid of the clutter.
Yes, your tech set-up matters and your chair is important, but if it’s engulfed in stuff then you’re not getting full value from them. Clutter is anything you’re not using, not loving, and it’s just taking up space. And not just any space, but your particular work space, where hopefully a little magic is bubbling away somewhere.
Here are some tips on types of clutter and what to do:

Papers, piles and more piles of papers. The bane of my existence and clashing with my love of trees, I hate these necessary nuisances. My solution was to buy a label maker, which let me make beautiful, clear labels on my files, and made filing a fun thing instead of a drag.
Unnecessary and irrelevant to the work-at-hand items, such as sports equipment, make-up, and food-especially candy! Put them where they belong-your office isn’t a catch-all for the rest of your life. In their place, have some drinking water to stay hydrated, and perhaps a small plant or some fresh flowers to stay grounded.

Have a simple system for tracking your time, so you don’t get lost in thought and stay there. With so much to distract us, mindfulness becomes imperative to maintaining a nice healthy work/life balance. I use a day planner and Google Calendar-it gives me the right digital and manual balance that I need.
By the end of each week, my office looks like the wreck of the Hesperus, and I have to take about 30 minutes to restore order. I’m fine with this, but am aiming for a tidy desk at the end of each work day, which I think is preferable.