Using Speaker Slides for a Smashing Success.
The first step to creating a riveting slide deck for a PowerPoint presentation is to step away from the computer! Instead, go for a walk, a swim, a yoga class-anything that will let your brain come out to play.
- Get clear on what you want to say, and always remember, “It’s not about you, it’s about your message.” (that’s my quote and I spout it endlessly because it’s true).
- Determine how you can best express the message verbally.
- Decide which visuals will complement the verbal.
Audiences can most easily remember pictures and stories, so use a photo, or diagram or drawing to illustrate the story…i.e. one financial analyst I coached told a story about visiting a microchip factory in Ireland, so I had him include a few pictures from his trip…much more interesting than graphs and charts.

- NEVER read the slides to the audience. This is the single biggest mistake I see. You are only competing with yourself for their attention when you do this. Instead, when a slide with bullet points comes up, give them 3-4 seconds of silence so they can read them. Then, pick up the conversation from there.
- Slides should never be busy-it defeats the purpose. Less is more, and more is less.
- Bulleted points should not exceed 3-5 per slide; just make another slide if you have more.
Font and background colors should contrast well and be easy on the eyes; you can use your color palette to set a mood- i.e. using a light green background for a presentation on environmental health.
When slides are used the right way, the presentation will soar. One client just gave a talk with slides about her 5 day wilderness training as a way to mend her heartache over her divorce. The story alone is remarkable, but with pictures it was a smash hit and two people in the audience immediately invited her to be guest speaker at their events. It doesn’t get better than that!