oh, it’s time for a short break from the networking circuit. It’s been an intense 2 month affair with hopping from event to event; I’ve been to breakfasts, day-long seminars, evening meetings, dinners, and workshops. I’ve introduced myself to large groups of people I don’t know at least 17 times, and listened to hundreds of other introductions, none of which I remember. Twice I paid $15 for a single glass of wine.

After close observation, I can tell you that I see a few “types” who turn up consistently, some of whom I adore and others who are nothing but energy drains. The latter are the ones to be wary of. This is how they play the networking game: they talk only about themselves. At great length and in elaborate detail, they will talk your ears off if you let them. Sufficiently successful in their business, they feel no need to even pretend to take an interest in yours. They are shameless showoffs, and I’ve seen more than a few who are clearly over-rehearsed in telling their “stories.” As a communications coach, I find it embarrassing, boring & mildly infuriating.
My advice to anyone who unwittingly finds themselves in the position of “audience” to these types is to interrupt politely (they won’t be coming up for air) and walk away. I’ve made the mistake of thinking that I could engage this type in genuine conversation, but they’re not interested. They’re playing a different game, and it’s not one that I respect.