, a quick shout out to all the people who have asked me if it’s OK to have a drink to calm down before giving a speech: the answer is NO.
The reason: you want your mind alert and in the flow. A drink will impede this and muddy your message.
Instead, experiment with organic methods which reduce and limit feelings of anxiety.
1) Chamomile tea, or any herbals meant for relaxing.
2) Bach Rescue Remedy- they have tinctures that work for various types of energy issues.
3) Relaxation/visualization exercise of yourself, standing in front of your audience, and speaking to them in a calm, commanding tone.
Drinking is never a good way to prepare for speaking in public. Your speech, your reflexes and your mental acuity all get involved. Think about how you want your audience to see you.
Let them see you shining your light, in all its undiminished strength and glory…then you can have that celebratory drink!