April 29, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Managing Stage Fright
Plenty of people, myself included, have experienced fear before getting in front of an audience.
“You manage your emotions or your emotions will manage you.” John Wooden.
“You manage your stage fright, or your stage fright will manage you.” Katie Karlovitz.
It’s normal...

April 23, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Simplify, Simplify
he other day I wanted to hear my friend guesting on a podcast, but the host was such a gas-bag that I had to stop without getting to hear her. He seemed to think he was the Charles Dickens of podcasts, getting paid by the word.
After five long and boring minutes of him talking about himself, and no way...

April 16, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Clutter; the creativity killer
lutter is a creativity killer, sucking up the energy needed to think clearly. I once had a client who had great views of Rockefeller Plaza but his office was so messy that you couldn’t see a thing. We spent hours clearing and organizing, all in order to help him think. It worked...

March 30, 2021Katie Karlovitz
“You’re not really drunk until you are speaking fluent Ozzy Osbourne”
, a quick shout out to all the people who have asked me if it’s OK to have a drink to calm down before giving a speech: the answer is NO.
The reason: you want your mind alert and in the flow. A drink will impede this and muddy your message.
Instead, experiment with organic methods which reduce...