March 19, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken!
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken!” Oscar Wilde
It’s pretty easy to spot the guys who are doing their best Gary V impressions… I get light-headed waiting for them to breathe. And while it’s worked well for Gary, everyone else comes...

March 11, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Networking Turn-Offs
“Networking is an essential part of building wealth.” Armstrong Williams
BC (before Covid) I used to attend a fair number of networking events. There were fabulous breakfasts at Morgan Stanley (thank you Sarah Beane Ricca CFP®, CDFA®, lunches, dinners, cocktail parties, boat trips...

February 26, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Pick It Up (a Notch)
his week’s homework in my Client Communications class was the cause of much wincing and discomfort. The dreaded assignment was to record themselves leaving three different voice messages to potential clients, colleagues etc. You’d have thought I asked them to recite their most painful...

February 19, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Enough With the Phony Familiarity
rends in business communication shift with the times, as they should.
During my early days as a public speaking coach, the fad (never a good one) was to “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them!” Pure bunk and fortunately no longer in...