February 12, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Enough With Slap-Happy Webinar Hosts and Guests
y husband wonders why I watch so many webinars, often to complain about them later. I watch to try to learn new stuff, but the tone of many makes them irritatingly unwatchable.
When was it decided that when you’re on/camera, you have to present a hyped-up, big-smiling, wildly excited persona?...

February 5, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Public Speaking 101: Use Notes
o you believe that a speaker working without notes is therefore ‘better’ than one who does use notes? I ask because a lot of people ask me the same question. If you’re giving a presentation you have to decide for yourself, should you:
And that’s all it takes! Follow one or all of...

January 29, 2021Katie Karlovitz
How To Screw Up Your Presentation
ow to screw up your presentation:
Procrastinate. Wait until the last possible minute to think about your message, your intention and your knowledge.
Once you’re good and nervous because you’ve waited so long, sit down in front of the computer to write your speech.
Start typing...

January 20, 2021Katie Karlovitz
Clutter In The Office = Fuzzy In The Head
e all know that we’re supposed to have a zen garden for an office, and it’s a worthy goal. I’m not there yet, but…I have made huge strides in managing the energy in my office, so it doesn’t manage me! And after a lot of study and experimentation, I can tell you that the...